Defining Health, Tuning Into Your Body, and Listening To Hunger Cues

Nutrition is a topic fraught with differing opinions, strong emotions, and a whole bunch of logistical complexity that make it hard to study sometimes. But despite how complicated (and overwhelming) it can feel at first glance, the fact is: it doesn’t have to be. When we take a close look at nutrition, we see it looks vastly different for different people, depending on their dietary preferences, intolerances, family history, economic background, and way more. Fundamentally, nutrition is personal.

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Tips for Eating During the Holidays

Navigating food throughout the holiday season can be very difficult. There are more sweet and treat foods than any other part of the year. Days are packed with endless gatherings and obligations with work, family, and loved ones. You might be seeing people that you haven’t seen in ages, and even worse, they might comment on your body and how it’s changed since pre-COVID, or whenever. Here are our tips for managing the stress and decisions around food throughout these coming months.

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PCOS and Sugar: Every Single Thing You Want to Know

Aim for a variety of food groups at all meals, and choose lower glycemic foods when possible (refer to “Glycemic Index Swaps” handout as needed). Honor your cravings, but find compassionate and healthy ways to prevent them. There is never a necessity for militant restriction. Our bodies tell us so much about our needs, so trust them, honor them, and love them.

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PCOS Diet: What is the best Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) diet?

One of the most noted and widely discussed PCOS symptoms is difficulty losing weight, along with the increased incidence of weight gain, overweight, or obesity in comparison to non-PCOS counterparts. As a result, international medical consensus finds that the first-line interventions to treat PCOS should be lifestyle changes, including a PCOS diet, exercise, and stress management. These are fundamental to decreasing the risk for chronic disease, reducing inflammation, preventing unfavorable weight changes, and other side-effects seen with the condition.

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